参考文献[1] Wiley Strategyzer Series: ValueProposition Design, Business Model Generation and Testing Business Ideas
[2] Product Design and Development, K.Ulrich, S. Eppinger, McGraw Hill
[3] Creating Innovators, The Making ofYoung People Who Will Change the World, Tony Wagner, Scribner
[4] The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley (总结Stanford d.school设计思维方法论)
[5] Measure What Matters, John Doer (OKR) (讲述科学的管理方法)
[6] The Innovators, Walter Isaacson, Simon& Schuster (数字技术时代创新者的共同点)
[7] The Idea Factory, Bell Labs and the GreatAge of American Innovation, Jon Gertner
[8] Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson, Simon& Schuster
[9] Israel, A Concise History of a NationReborn, Daniel Gordis (创新国度以色列)
[10] Start-up Nation, The Story of Israel’sEconomic Miracle, Dan Senor and Saul Singer.
[11] A Whole New Engineer, D Goldberg andM. Somerville, Three Joy Associates, Inc. 2014
[12] “The Olin curriculum, Thinking towardsthe future”, M. Somerville, et al, IEEE Trans on Education, pp. 198-205, 2005.
[ 13] Mindset, Changing the way you thinkto fulfil your potential, Dr Carol S. Dweck, Random House, 2006.
[14] GRIT, The POWER of PASSION andPERSEVERANCE, Angela Duckworth, SCRIBNER, 2016
[15] “Rethinking faculty development andassessment at Olin College”, R. Christensen, et al, 2016.
[16] “My education at Olin College”, R. Schutzengel, Physics Today, 2014.
[17] “The current and future role oftechnology and innovation centres in the UK”, a report by Dr Hermann Hauser forLord Mandelson, Secretary of State Department for Business Innovation &Skills, 2009.
[18] The global state of the art inengineering education, New Engineering Education Transformation, Dr RuthGraham, MIT 2018.
[19] “Remaking Engineering Education forthe Innovation Economy”, Dr Richard Miller, Presentation at HKUST IASDistinguished Lecture Series, Dec. 12,2018.
[20]The integration of the humanities andarts with sciences, engineering andmedicine in higher education. Consensus study report, the National Academies ofSciences, Engineering and Medicine.
[21]颠覆创新人才培养的欧林经验, 李泽湘,知识分子, 2019-05-06
[22] Reimaging and enpowering Design of Projects: A Project-Based Learning Goals Framework, J. D.Stolk and R. Martello, Olin College of Engineering, 2018
[23]Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want,Alexander Osterwalder,Yves Pigneur, Gregory Bernarda, Alan Smith,2014
[24]Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, andChallengers,Osterwalder, Alexander,2010
[25] Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide forRapid Experimentation,Alexander Osterwalder,David J.Bland,2019